Nightbringer protagonist now wears a mask

Credit: Twitter

Abismal Games have just released some new footage of their dark fantasy Metroidvania, Nightbringer, revealing that the protagonist now wears a mask to obscure their identity.

The game is a 2D platformer styled on Castlevania. Recently, over the past couple of months, the developers have shared some progress, showing off new features such as basic hunter movements, wall jumping, combo attacks, and brand new enemies such as “The Executioner”.

Also read: Five of the best Metroidvanias on Nintendo Switch (October 2019)

The “hero” is called Albian, and his design is Gothic as he appears like a Raven clad in armour. He has long blue hair, a cross for an earring and a gigantic sword.

In the image to the left, his face is clear but in the latest update, he has been given a mask to conceal his identity.

His hair is far darker and his black face mask is zipped shut. This new design is in-line with the Gothic aesthetic and definitely fits the dark fantasy genre that the developers are striving to fit Nightbringer into.

This new design is now Abismal Games’ Twitter avatar and it comes alongside a new scene that shows the “changing and persistent objects” along with some camera fixes.

You can follow the game’s development on Twitter as Abismal are constantly sharing updates and news for Nightbringer. It is being built in the unity engine by a single person and, from their Twitter history, it looks as though they have been developing since August 2018 at the earliest.

Are you excited for Nightfall? What are your favourite Metroidvanias? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Twitter!

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